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PV power plant Prieska

Solar energy in one of the sunniest regions in the world.
Northern Cape Province
South Africa
86 MW
Solar modules

The project

In 2016, near the South African city of Prieska, we commissioned what was then the largest solar park in our company's history. More than 275,000 modules cover an area the size of 200 soccer fields and supply around 86,000 households with climate-friendly electricity every year. With around 2,500 hours of sunshine per year, the Northern Cape is not only one of the sunniest regions in the world, but also predestined for the conversion of South Africa's power supply to renewable energies.

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It is large-scale projects such as the Prieska solar park that will further advance the energy transition in South Africa.

A success not only for the energy transition

With its contribution to climate-friendly electricity, the large-scale project is not only a step forward for the energy supply in South Africa. It also provides important impulses to the local economic development as all well-known manufacturers of modules and inverters now manufacture their products in South Africa. This creates urgently needed new jobs, especially for the formerly disadvantaged population groups. The actual implementation of the project also created around 500 new jobs during the construction phase. Another positive effect is that the implementation of more and more solar projects leads to rapidly falling prices for the energy plants and, therefore, to lower electricity prices.

Gain more impressions on the solar plant in our project video:

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