Many concerns about electric cars resolved with driving experience
Many concerns about electric cars resolved with driving experience
The greatest anxiety and reservation towards electric cars concerns their diving range. Drivers fear that the battery will get discharged too quickly while driving so that the planned journey has to be interupted. Furthermore, the next charging station would either be out of reach or requires hours of waiting until the vehicle is uploaded and ready to drive again.
However, a recent survey by the German Association of Energy and Water Industries shows that these fears vanish into thin air once you start driving an electric car. On the contrary, many e-car drivers even think that charging is better than refueling. The association asked 3,000 e-car drivers about their concerns before buying an e-car. The majority stated the general range, charging at home and the purchase costs. With around three years of driving experience, the respondents had a significantly different view of the situation. Range was still an issue for only eight percent, while charging at home was only an issue for six percent.
The 3,000 e-mobilists were also asked how they rated charging compared to refueling. This resulted in a surprising answer: a majority of 62 percent think charging is overall better than refueling. 24 percent see no difference and only 11 percent think refueling is better than charging. The biggest problem is currently the high purchasing costs.
However, things are also changing in this area. On the one hand, the first used electric company cars could soon come onto the market, and on the other, prices for new electric cars are also falling. Furthermore, production does not have to be carried out in China for falling prices. The French manufacturer Citroën has announced a new and compact model for 23,000 euros, which will be launched on the market in early 2024.
© Picture: Citroën